OSCR is a registered charity
No. 1185789
The trustees of the Old School Community Rooms are seeking funds to equip the new village hall. We need chairs and tables, crockery and kitchen utensils, a flip chart, projector and screen.
We have managed to raise over £400,000 to date from the sale of assets and from the Big Lottery Community Fund and are hoping to raise a further £15,000 to complete the village hall to the highest specification. So we have set up a crowdfunding site with Crowdfunder. Please make a donation or be a fundraiser to support your local community and set up a fundraising page. The first 50 fundraising pages to raise £20 towards their target of £50 or more will receive £20 matched funding from Crowdfunder.
If you are able to make a donation it would be very much appreciated by the community.